The world is on the brink of a technological revolution led by pioneering applications of quantum physics. The Center for Quantum Research and Technology has OU poised to become a center for excellence in the field.
In October, the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art opened its doors to a complete reinstallation of its permanent collection, including many works that had not been seen by the public in decades.
George Lynn Cross realized OU's need for an independent, not-for-profit entity to manage private giving to the university. That vision would become the OU Foundation, which marks its 75th year in 2020.
OU psychologist Chan Hellman discovered that hope influences positive outcomes. Now he is an internationally sought authority on the growing field of hope science.
As artist-in-residence at Children’s Hospital, OU alumna Ginna Dowling gives young patients and their families the chance to tell their personal stories with colored paper and imagination.